Sunday, December 03, 2006


I have received some slack recently about the lack of detail in my previous blog entry. In response, I will provide one with more detail than most can bear....

On October 31st we were in a city called Wuhan. We stayed there for a couple of nights after our boat cruise down the Yangtze river and it was a relatively uneventful place. One lovely Sunday morning I was out for a walk, having just finished eating some delicious street vendor food.
Down one of the side streets that we were moseying along, there was a non-distinct brick amongst all the others upon the sidewalk that was soon to become my nemesis. Because it was not distinguishable from all others I saw no harm in stepping my sandaled foot upon it. Unfortunately, what lay beneath was soon unleashed upon my sandals, up my legs and over my unidentified liquid.

Not worrying too much about it, I made my way back to the hostel and began packing my bag for our next overnight train journey to Shanghai. As I was going about my business I began to detect a slight odour of urine/fish/?. Upon closer inspection I realized that this smell was indeed coming from the remenants of the unfortunate shower I had received earlier. Of course, this prompted immediate action - I showered; scrubbing myself, my pants and sandals thoroughly. I then double wrapped them in plastic bags and placed them in my backpack for the trip.

When I arrived in Shanghai the next day I discovered that the smell had extended from my sandals to a good part of my bag...and also that this simple urine smell was not so was an old urine smell. If you have ever come in contact with this particular odour you would understand that this is the Superman of bad smells. And so it turned out to be for me and my shoes. After scrubbing, soaking, rubbing, and doing everything but burning them they still have a vague odour of old urine about them.

Why not by a new pair? you may ask. I have been trying...the sandals available in late fall in China seem to be scarce and too cheap for my royal feet (they are soooo uncomfortable).
And so ends my "PEE shOE" story - with a not so happy ending that might change once in Vietnam.

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