October 28, 2005
Okay - just a small venting session....
Today marks the second occasion that someone has asked if I am Alex`s mother. I know that I am not getting any younger but, REALLY!?
The first incident was at the Exposition in July. A man from Chad asked Alex if I was her mother. He was speaking French, and slightly intoxicated so we figured that maybe we had misunderstood. Then today, we were walking along a busy street when a Japanese woman got off of her bike and began asking us questions (this is not an uncommon event). Among the usual, "Where are you from?", "What are you doing here?", she asked, "Is she your mother?"!!!! She was not speaking English so the potential for misunderstanding was there... but twice!? I coincidence I think not.
I will get over it, but for now I am a big bitter ball.
October 21, 2005
Snip, Snip
I decided to end the 8 month strike and cut my hair. The regular hair salons are so expensive here that I was beginning to like my split ends just on principle (surprise, surprise). I discovered a hair cutting chain called `QB` where you can get your hair cut in 10 minutes and for only \1,000 (about $10). OH NO! you say? Oh yes.
When I entered the `chopping hall` I was directed to insert my \1,000 bill into a machine which gave me a ticket in return. During my 2 minute wait I watched two business men get buzzed, brushed off, hoovered by an overhead `vacuum cleaner` and sent on their way. I stepped up in turn and was spoken at in very fast-paced Japanese. As I strained to understand anything I could, the woman with the scissors directed me to sit in the chair and began spraying my hair. I said, "sukoshi, onegai shimasu" (a little amount, please) to which she replied, "iie, iie" (no, no). Fearing that I would soon be given a mullet or a brush cut, I held my breath and closed my eyes as she began to cut. Ten minutes later, I walked away with a hair cut I can deal with and a new plastic comb that was apparently included in the price.
I believe that I have taken my thriftiness to a whole new level and it feels good.
October 20, 2005
There have been a couple of inquiries regarding the background of this journal site.
It seemed apropos, as I have developed a small obsession with oriental lanterns. I don`t know why, but each sightseeing excursion inevitably results in a large number of `lantern` photos from various angles.
Geek to the core.
Our hiking trip did not come to fruition. The leaves have not yet turned here...it`s still pretty warm (I will rub it in any chance I get - waha)...so we will likely go in a few weeks instead.
Something VERY exciting happened today. We stumbled upon a SUBWAY (sandwiches). It was like a mirage...what a treat!
October 15, 2005
First Entry!
My first blog entry!
Hopefully this will make keeping everyone updated a lot easier!
Not much to report at this moment. We`ve begun a new week at work and are counting down the days until next weekend...sound familiar? We`ve got plans to go hiking around some nearby mountains next Thursday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Hope everyone is well - I`d love to hear from you either through comments on this site, or an email.
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