Tuesday, August 08, 2006

August 2006

August 06
Lost in Translation?
Just when I thought I`d seen all that was weird and wonderful in Japan, I stumbled upon The World Cosplay Summit.
As I have discovered, `Cosplay` is a mixture of `Costume and Play`...as you may well guess, the participants of this annual titillating event dress up as their favourite anime characters and perform for an audience.

If you are familiar with the movie Shrek and remember the looks on the faces of Donkey and that loveable ogre when they are staring at the singing figures welcoming them to Dulop, you might have some idea of the expressions on the faces of both myself and Alex. With our mouths open and faces contorted, we were mesmerized today by dancing costume-clad figures...the likes of which I have never seen. I imagine the amused/confused/scared feeling that I had is the same that I might feel if I had accidentally found myself at a Star Trek convention...or the middle of a psychiatric hospital.

I believe that it`s only fair to point out that this is The World Cosplay Summit. Weirdos from all over the world gathered for this event...what luck! If you are curious, the link is as follows:

In another interesting note, I was recently informed by several students that Jesus did not die on the cross. News to you too? Apparently, it was the twin brother of Jesus that was crucified. So...what happened to the real Jesus you might ask? Well, he did the most natural and logical thing, of course...he fled to Japan.

Yes, you read that correctly...Jesus fled to Japan and became a rice farmer. He lived in Northern Japan until he was 106 and is now buried in Aomori prefecture.
If you don`t believe me, you can see for yourself (http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyotravel/tokyojapantravel/3523/tokyojapantravelinc.htm).
Now, all you so-called `Christians` out there, you`ve got some re-thinking to do.

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